Whatsapp Business Bots Developers and verified Business accounts!
Business Bots nowadays are becoming trendy on every instant messaging service like Telegram, Facebook, Whatsapp, Skype… For the first time ever people are using instant messaging apps more than they are using social networks. Business Chatbots are the best way to get reach billions of people using messaging apps like Telegram, Facebook Messenger, Skype, Whatsapp and Kik.

business bots sample flow
S4 Dynamics is a startup company focused in developing business bots for individuals and businesses. They got 2 years of experience developing Telegram Bots and Facebook chatbots for Messenger. They are also working on the new Whatsapp bots that will be released in 2018. They create automated conversational interfaces for your chats through bots. If you need a Bot for Whatsapp or hire a bot developer, we recommend you to contact them.
What does WhatsApp for Business mean to your company?
With over 1.3 billion monthly and 1 billion daily users, WhatsApp has been operating at a massive scale for quite some time. Plenty of small businesses are already using WhatsApp to reach their customers so providing support for Business Accounts will bring them a much needed upgrade in their communications. With the new Business Accounts, WhatsApp has the potential to become a priority communication channel, which brings massive growth opportunity for both WhatsApp, and the businesses on it.
What’s a business bot?
A business bot (or chatbot) is software capable of communicating with humans using artificial intelligence. Technicaly is a software application that performs automated tasks. In general, they are used to do simple and repetitive tasks, much faster than a human could do. Whatsapp Chatbots can be integrated in several instant messaging such as:
- Telegram: Professional bot to handle your customers or for private use. Your bot will be promoted on our Telegram network with 250K users.
- Facebook: Connect your bussiness facebook page to a bot.
- Whatsapp: Verified bussiness Whatsapp accounts answering your customers queries throught a bot.

chatbot engagment
Business bot samples
Bots are fully customized for every business, a bot can automate from simple to complex tasks.
- Buy items: Order products of your store.
- Customer Support: Automatic answer for frequently asked questions. Resolve your customers’ simple problems.
- Events booking: Book an appointment or make a reservation.
- Feedback Bot: Use a chat interface to receive feedback instead of a web form.

Business bots sample: store to buy items
What do you offer?
Thanks to the bot, your customers will be able to contact your bussiness bot every day of the year at any time. S4 Dynamics, professional developers with years of experience developing bots, websites and android apps.
- Reduce costs.
- Increase productivity.
- 24/7 Online.
- S4Dynamics provide fast response to solve your problems.
- Real time analytics.
- You will talk directly with our developers and they will materialize your idea.
- No commercial agents involved. No spam. No bullshit.

S4 Dynamics services