This is the second part of a tutorial: How-to create your own bot using TeleSeed.
Teleseed is an advance Group Administration Bot based on yagop telegram-bot licensed under GNU General Public License.
This tutorial is divided in three parts:
It’s very easy, and it will help you managing your groups. The official bot is @teleseed, and you can follow its channel in @teleseedch and read news about the bot. Let’s start!
Follow this three steps to run the bot:
To Run bot from a terminal just type this commands:
- cd
- cd workspace
- cd TeleSeed
- ./launch.sh
Now, your bot will be running in terminal
This step is compulsory, because if you don’t do that, you won’t have permission to some commands.
- Open TeleSeed folder in Navigation menu, then open data folder and then config.lua.
- This file has got ID’s of Telegram of allowed people to use the bot. You will see 2 IDs, delete them and put yours. If you need help to find your ID, find anyone with a bot, and ask them for your ID.
- Now, restart bot.
This step is optional, but compulsory if you want to use your bot account to control the same bot
- Open TeleSeed folder, then bot folder, and finally seedbot.lua.
- Now, change in lines 47 and 73, the false for a true.
- Then, restart the bot
This step is optional, but it will help you to prevent to C9 hibernate your bot due to inactivity.
- Open plugins folder in TeleSeed folder, and create a new file called isup.lua.
- Copy-Paste the code of this website: lua
- Then, in data folder, open config.lua and, in this list, add: “isup.lua”, and a comma next to the latest plugin.
- Now, restart the bot, and, ina group with the bot, type
!isup cron (your bot website).
- Now, bot will check every 5 minutes if it’s up.
- You can also run it like that:
Right click on launch.sh, and then ‘Run’. It will run it as an Application, and it’s easier that type it in a terminal.
Now, you have your own bot on Telegram using Teleseed!
In the next tutorial we will show you how to manage the bot via commands.
- Next -> Part 3: Admin commands
- Previous -> Part 1: Installation
Follow us on Telegram Geeks Channel.
What do you mean here ? If you need help to find your ID, find anyone with a bot, and ask them for your ID.
Am stuck .
Can you give a simple explanation ? thank you
let me answer you in private 😉
I have the same problem…please help me..ty
Well if you only want to know your Id, you can ask me in Telegram for that: @M4STER_ANGEL
How can I find my ID?
@Go_Robot and type /id
Having problems with the PREVENTING C9 HIBERNATION part.
Well, did you enabled isup.lua plugin, to check every 5 minutes if the bot is up, and did you ran it as a Run Configuration, doing right click on launch.sh?
It’s normal id C9 hibernates your bot every week, C9 does it because you have a free account.
What am I supposed to replace with “(your bot website)”?
why this is happened ?
Not valid: msg from us
[09:40] Bidang KB Kanwil Jaksus Isw STA/97 >>> !id
and what the solution ? also, where can I know what my ID is ?
thank you very much
Well, are you using the account of the bot to control it? Or is another account? If the unique thing that you need is your ID, I can tell you.
can you please add me to you and tell me my id? im @artofzooruss on telegram atm.
Telegram-cli version 1.3.3, Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Vitaly Valtman
Telegram-cli comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show_license’.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show_license’ for details.
Telegram-cli uses libtgl version 2.0.3
Telegram-cli includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www.openssl.org/)
Telegram-cli uses libpython version 3.5.1
I: config dir=[/home/ubuntu/.telegram-cli]
Can’t connect with Redis, install/configure it!
Redis addr:
Redis port: 6379
Allowed user: 110626080
Allowed user: 103649648
Allowed user: 111020322
Allowed user: 197246658
Allowed user: 131681931
Loading plugin onservice
Loading plugin inrealm
Loading plugin ingroup
Loading plugin inpm
Loading plugin banhammer
Loading plugin stats
Loading plugin anti_spam
Loading plugin owners
Loading plugin arabic_lock
Loading plugin set
Loading plugin get
Loading plugin broadcast
Loading plugin download_media
Loading plugin invite
Loading plugin all
Loading plugin leave_ban
what should i do and i am not bot admin i type !plugins and bot says This plugin requires privileged user and how can i create group and bot ansewr some commands likes !google
sudo_users = {
i alowed my id too
Mmm, did you restart the bot?
Or did you put your bot ID on it?
Can’t connect with Redis, install/configure it!
help meeeeeeeeee
new terminal, and
Why this not work in Supergroup?!
TeleSeed team is working on it. Please, be patient
Hello angel can you telegram me at @Codeblack i cant seem to msg u dont know y
I’m, reported too. sorry. But you can talk with me at @M4STER_CONTACT_Bot (it’s a Telegram Bot)
how can i restart mybot?
Run launch.sh again if issue u can close all the open new terminal the check which folder ur in if workspace the continue cd teleseed..
cd workspace
cd TeleSeed
Im having a problem with c9 hibernation can any help me out did all the step but i didnt understand this part !isup cron (your bot website). Can some show an example so i can understand bit more clear
!isup cron http://ide.c9.io/m4ster_angel/m4ster_bot
hello how i fix this error?
Not valid: msg from us
please halpme
Modify in bot.lua a line that shows Not valid msg from us and Not valid msg from our id
Change false instead true
i have the same problem, c9 put my teleseed in hibernation, if i want to restart it i have to go to c9 and press “RUN” again
i was test it but always go to hibernation, why happen this?
Because we’re using a free C9 account, you can’t change it
If you pay, C9 won’t hibernate your bot
How can i restart bot !
and how can i added it to my group !
i cant find it in search !!
hello, my robot worked well in my supergroup but when my supergroup going ueper than 200 members robot has been crash and stop .
i should open the telegram robot account online all time to robot do work well , so what happen?
what should id right now ?
I don’t understand how to do that “Now, restart the bot, and, ina group with the bot, type
!isup cron (your bot website).”
How can I add my bot to my group?
I’m lost here:
Now, restart the bot, and, in a group with the bot, type
!isup cron (your bot website)
In a group with the bot? How can I find the bot I created so I can add it to a group?
Is the name of the bot I created the Project name or is it @TeleSeed which I have to add?
I’m confused here what to do and how to add it to a group..
Please advice, thank you.